Friday, December 11, 2009

Limiting Beliefs: How They Affect You

A common argument against the Law of Attraction is the belief that since people have the ability to choose the events in their lives, why is there so much suffering? Nobody chooses a life of starvation or servitude but many people believe they have no choice.

This disbelief in our ability to change our circumstances because things have always been this way means we will continue to live this way. The subconscious continues to project that disbelief and negative energy out into the Universe, drawing back negative energy which causes us to continue to live in this self destructive cycle of events.

The removal of limiting beliefs is absolutely vital to the ability of the Law of Attraction to work as it is intended to. If you truly feel that the Law of Attraction is not working for you, take a moment to consider the things that you are wishing for. Do you truly believe that your wishes can take place, or are you merely making idle wishes? Do you secretly believe that you have a one in a million chance of any of your wishes actually coming true?

It slows you down tremendously if you need to see evidence of something before you believe it, because that means you have to wait for someone else to create it before you can believe it. The most powerful thing you can do and the thing that will give you leverage as great as any action, is to spend time every day visualizing your life as you want it to be. A medallion, talisman or amulet is most powerful during these moments.

In order to project the positive vibes necessary to draw the energies of the Universe to you, it is essential that you be 100% confident in your ability to effect a change. You must be willing to believe that all events occurring up to now have been necessary for bringing about what you wish for.

The key to the Law of Attraction is the acceptance of your responsibility! Everyone is responsible for the thoughts they think and the things that they choose as their objects of attention.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

You Create Your Reality

In order to reap the full benefits of the Law of Attraction, you need to believe that what you see now is a result of what you have been attracting up to now. It's important to realize that what has occurred in your life to this date and what will happen later on is determined by you. This is powerful stuff! What you have and are experiencing is a result of the energies you have sent out to the Universe.

A few more quotes from Abraham and "Money and the Law of Attraction" say it all.

"What anyone else has or does not have, has nothing to do with you. The only thing that affects your experience is the way you utilize the Non-Physical Energy with your thought. Your abundance, or lack of it, in your experience has nothing to do with what anybody else is doing or having. It has only to do with your perspective. It has only to do with your offering of thought. If you want your fortunes to shift, you have to begin telling a different story".

"Whether it is the subject of money or lack of it, or health or lack of it, or a relationship or the lack of one -- always, when you feel good, you are in the place of attracting that which you are wanting".

"The negative emotion that you feel as you acknowledge that you cannot afford something that you want is one way of understanding the balance of your thoughts; the amount of abundance that you are actually experiencing is another way of knowing".

It is very easy to look at the events of your life and think that the Law of Attraction must not be true, otherwise why do terrible things happen. Why do we not always get what we want and get something unpleasant instead?

It's important to realize that though you want something with your conscious mind, your subconscious may be blocking the very thing you want due to certain beliefs you have accumulated throughout your life.

Don't blame the Law of Attraction! Examine your thoughts through your feelings. If you say you want money but your stomach ties in a knot, then examine why you had that reaction. As mentioned above, when you have a good feeling related to what you want, you can attract what you want.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Releasing Your Will

You must release your will (or your need to control) in order to manifest what you want. When you decide ahead of time how and when you will attract what you want, you actually block it from coming to you.

Let the Universe work! It's possible to become so focused on what you think is going to happen that you manage to totally miss the event when it occurs, if it doesn't occur in precisely the manner you pictured it would. You may have heard the expression "Let go and let God". Well, that applies here, whether you call it God, the Supreme Being, All That Is, Creator, etc. I just call it the Universe.

The Universe will choose its own time and place for all things to occur, and these events may take place through some rather unusual means. By predetermining exactly how you will receive the rewards you are asking for, you take away the choice from the hands of nature, which direct the ebb and flow of the energies of life, and are setting yourself up for a hard fall.

By taking the ability to choose upon yourself, you are essentially saying that you do not have faith in the ability of the Law of Attraction to effect the desired results in time. By setting your own timeline for events to occur, you will eventually come to disbelieve in the Law of Attraction (after all, it didn't do what it was supposed to, did it?). This will cause your subconscious to radiate the negative energy which will drive the positive away.

"Vibrational discord is always the reason for negative emotion. And negative emotion is always guidance to help you redirect your thoughts to find vibrational alignment with who-you-really-are and with your current desires."

Quoted from "Money and the Law of Attraction" by Abraham, authors Jerry and Esther Hicks.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Patience: A Necessity When Manifesting

The Universe works at its own speed. Remember, every action carries with it an equal and opposite reaction. It is essential that the other environmental conditions be right in order for an event to occur just as it should.

This means that the Law of Attraction may take weeks, months or even years to effect a fruitful reaction to the desires of a single individual. People of today's society are spoiled. They want what they want and they want it now! A new theory that does not produce instant results may not be very popular.

In addition to that, disbelieving in the Law of Attraction because it does not meet your established timetables is a direct violation of the guidelines required to see positive results. After all, it never says precisely when all of these wonderful rewards will be reaped, only that they will.

If you merely test the Law in order to see if it will produce results, you may be disappointed. If you are confident in its ability to effect the desired results, you should be content to sit and wait, knowing that what you want most will come to you in time.

If you are not patient, it indicates that you do not have confidence in its ability to bring about the desired results. This means that somewhere in your being is a small kernel of negative energy, sufficient to throw a monkey wrench into the whole process of positive attraction. Remember, if you are vibrating negative energy, you will attract negative energy back onto yourself.

A talisman or medallion is important for focusing on what you truly want, but in and of itself, is not a magic wand. Only you can produce the results of your manifestation, but you must be willing to give the Universe time to produce what you have asked for.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Is Positive Thinking Enough?

One of the most common mistakes we make when trying to manifest is believing that positive thinking is enough to attract what we want.

Positive thinking occurs only on the conscious level; this is why positive thinking is not enough to put into effect the Law of Attraction. It is necessary for belief to enter the subconscious as well.

The mind is always operating on two levels, the subconscious and the conscious. The conscious mind is being given hundreds of tidbits of information at any given time from all five senses. This is an incredible amount of information to process, even from such an advanced tool as the human brain. The mind would slowly go crazy if it had to deal with all of that information all of the time.

Instead, the mind developed the conscious mind, which serves as a filter to review the information sent to it by the senses and retain anything that it deems important. Anything that it does not deem important is passed along to the subconscious. It is the subconscious which will retain this information, acting as the guardian of repressed memories until such time as those memories are needed again.

It has long been held that the subconscious has a direct effect on the actions and beliefs of the conscious mind. It is sufficient to say that if the conscious mind is attempting to think positive thoughts while the subconscious retains a negative energy the two will cancel each other out, and the desired effect will not be achieved.

To quote again from Esther and Jerry Hicks' ebook, "Money, and the Law of Attraction", Abraham says:
"Attention to the lack of what is wanted causes it to increase and come closer to you, just as focusing upon what is wanted causes it to increase and come closer to you."

Either way, you get what you think you want!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Universal Law of Love

These days, people just focus on the Law of Attraction but forget (or aren't aware) of dozens of other Universal Laws. All Laws work synergistically, or together, but it's not necessary to memorize all of them. Learn which ones work together and try to follow what they say to do. See the link at the end.

The Universal Law of Love sets the stage for the Universal Law of Attraction. Both are "main" Laws (there are many sub Laws), but one cannot work without the other. Universal Love is the most balanced form of energy. Love is the balance of all. Love is stillness, peace of mind. The Universe is Love!

Universal Love can take many forms. Love can be considered acceptance of yourself, or of others. Love is unconditional. Love doesn't set terms. Love if freedom. Love is freedom for you to be who you truly are inside, not what you or anyone else thinks you should be. Love is never to impose anything on anyone.

This is the first thing that most people tend to forget. Or never think about. They just walk in line, do what they always do, think what they always think and therefore get what they've always been getting. They are never satisfied but they never change their way of thinking.

"You are the attractor of your experience. As you look for positive aspects and make an effort to find good feeling thoughts, you will hold yourself in a place of positive attraction and what you want will come faster."
Abraham, "Money, and the Law of Attraction"

I believe Abraham is talking about being in a state of Universal Love. Fearing what other people think and allowing them to dictate how you live your life gives away your personal power. So does telling others how to live. This is judgment and is not ours to perpetrate on others. These actions block your potential and thus your ability to attract the life of your dreams.

"By discovering Universal Laws, you discover the source of all health, all wealth, all happiness, joy, profound peace, assurance and fulfillment. The source that governs ALL that is, has been or ever will be."
Quoted from the website:

Find out how the Laws work on this site.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Money and the Law of Attraction

If you haven't read Esther and Jerry Hicks' book called "Money and the Law of Attraction", allow me to show you what you have been missing! Here are a few quotes from their book.

"When you visualize for the joy of visualizing rather than with the intention of correcting some deficiency, your thoughts are more pure and therefore, more powerful. When you visualize to overcome something that it wrong, your thoughts are diluted with the lackful side of the equation."

"With a little bit of effort focused in the right direction, you will achieve remarkable results, and in time, you will remember that you can be or do or have anything that you focus upon and achieve vibrational alignment with."

"From your place of lack, you cannot attract its opposite. And so, it really is a matter of adjusting your thinking so that your thinking harmonizes with that which feels good within you".

"The subject of money is really two subjects: 1) money, plenty of money, the feeling of freedom and ease that plenty of money can provide; and 2) absence of money, not nearly enough money, the feeling of fear and disappointment at the thought of absence of money induces".

These are just a few selections from this remarkable book. It's excellent and believe me, I've read dozens of books about manifesting what you want. It's not in ebook form but is available on my website at (yes, there is an affiliate link to Amazon).

If you are struggling with making the Law of Attraction work for you, I cannot recommend this book more highly. It's clear and easy to understand. Most important of all, it tells you what you need to do to bring more abundance into your life. I'm hoping you will forgive this blatant sales pitch but I would be remiss if I didn't talk about this book in my efforts to help others improve their lives. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Universal Laws and Principles

How many times have you heard someone say, "Law of Attraction? What a crock. Didn't work for me". Maybe you have even said it yourself. Ours is not a patient society. We want what we want when we want it and hurry up about it! However, the Universal Laws just don't work that way.

According to the booklet, "The Cosmic Laws" of Cosmic Awareness, and interpreted by Paul Shockley, here is the definition of Universal Law:

"The Universal Law is that knowledge, that awareness, that all living things, that all life has within it that vitality, that strength, to gather from itself all things necessary for its growth and fruition".

I don't know about you but that one took a minute or two to understand. In today's language, it might be read as:

"Universal Law is knowledge and awareness, that all life and living things have the ability to get whatever is for their higher good".

This is basically what the first definition means. There are dozens of Universal Laws but I only want to focus on a few that relate to the Magick Medallion right now.

First, the Law of Reciprocity (Tenfold Return). This Universal Principles is defined this way:

"Wherein gifts freely given for Spiritual Use return to the grantor good fortune equal to or greater than 10 times the loss".

Again, language! In other words, What you give without thought of any kind of reward (Spiritual Use) will bring good fortune at least 10 times what you gave.

So, if you give a monetary gift of say, $10, this Law says you should receive back 10 times that, or $100, right? Well, not quite. You might receive a gift of some kind worth $100 or more. You could receive just about anything of a higher value than your gift. If your gift is your time, you might receive a worthwhile bonus of some kind. The point is that reciprocity is not necessarily monetary!

In terms of the Magick Medallion, the price you pay for it of $7.97 should return 10 times (or more!) the value of it. Provided you use it correctly and with the right attitude!

That brings me to the Law of Magic. This Law creates change. "Physical change comes about through the change of consciousness, which changes in response to anticipation. This results from imagery and preparation, fears and desires, based on fallacies or facts. Preparation for change changes consciousness which results in physical change." Whew!

In other words (mine), whatever you can imagine that you want prepares you to change your consciousness, which then changes the physical world around you through manifestation. The Magick Medallion (or any amulet or talisman) is the "preparation" part. Focusing on what you want, without putting your will on the results, and using the medallion creates a very powerful energy for bringing what you desire. Magick!

Here are some Universal Principles I particularly like:
Discern but judge and condemn not
Be humble
Never do anything contrary to the Law of Love
Do nothing contrary to the Law of Mercy

It can be said that nothing you desire, no matter how hard you try or want it, can come to you unless you are in balance with the Law of Love. Universal Love does not judge, is humble, is merciful and is grateful. All you need is Love!

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Magic Power of Amulets

Throughout history people have carried amulets to bring them good luck and to guard them against evil. Do amulets really work, or are they simply superstition?

Can an amulet work for you? The answer depends on you. Are you willing to welcome good fortune and accept significant improvement in your life? Are you willing to take some kind of positive and observable action to improve your life? If you just want to think about it, then an amulet may not be for you.

There are two elements to the magic of amulets: the willingness to accept the benefits that come to you and the ability to take the necessary action to bring those benefits to you. While an amulet can help focus the power of your positive thinking, it can't do the work for you! You must be willing and able to be open to opportunities that come your way and take appropriate action.

There will be benefits, you can be sure, and they most likely will take you beyond your ideas of what your life can be like. Being open to change will make it possible for you to enter a new and higher level of being. As you use your amulet and learn to accept what comes to you, the perceived limitations you have of what you can attract will fall away more and more easily.

Amulets, talismans and medallions come in various shapes, sizes and designs. What matters most is that one is used properly, with patience and gratitude. More to come about this.

Start with the Gold Magick Medallion. It fits in the palm of your hand and can be used anywhere, anytime. Still at a low price but shipping for international orders will go up in September.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

James Dean's Lucky Watch

James Dean's lucky pocket watch was his most important personal possession. The back has a spiral pattern and the cover has his engraved initials. This lucky watch worked for him and he became a movie star. Talismans come in many forms!

When Dean first starred in East of Eden, he insisted on wearing his lucky pocket watch. He had bought it in late 1951 when he was a struggling young actor in New York. It was his first big purchase and he was proud of it. He had his initials engraved on the gold cover and carried it in his pocket for luck wherever he worked, whether it was on TV or in plays.

Around two and a half years later, Dean was spotted and went to Hollywood to meet John Steinbeck, author of East of Eden. When Dean arrived in Los Angeles, he visited his father, which was their first communication in a long time. His father was afraid Dean would lose his lucky watch, so he gave him his own gold watch chain. Even though director Elia Kazan protested, Dean wore the watch, hanging from a belt loop, throughout the filming of East of Eden.

Dean attributed his success to the watch, and it was also a link to his father. Kazan finally relented and allowed him to wear the watch, but he insisted that Dean's engraved initials had to be covered up in close-ups. Dean's performance in East of Eden earned him his first of two posthumous Academy Award nominations and two Golden Globes.

Before his fatal car crash, he had gifted his lucky watch to a woman named Tillie Starrier, who had befriended him early in his movie career. Tillie, a Warner Brothers employee, was older than Dean and seems to have been a surrogate mother for the young 23 year old actor. She was the only person he would allow to prepare his hair for East of Eden and also Rebel Without A Cause. Her letters describe their closeness and tell about how she visited with him the day he crashed his car. Our long-lost Jimmy Dean gave away his talisman and came to a tragic end.

The story of James Dean is a sad one. A talented young man brought down in the prime of his life and career (Heath Ledger is this generation's). I remember him as brooding, almost petulant and definitely a rebel in his own right. I didn't approve of his lifestyle but I still had his picture on my wall when I was a teen in the 50's. That brooding mystery appealed to young girls like me, much to parents horror everywhere!

Can a lucky charm work for you? Definitely yes, as long as you know how to use it!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Prosperity Blues: An Excerpt

Last year, in Spirit Side Magazine, an article was published dealing with the Law of Attraction. I know there has been a whole lot written about this and possibly, even a bit of over-kill but I'll risk writing yet another article about this subject. It's still timely.

Following is only a few parts of that article and at the end I'll tell you where to find it.

Prosperity Blues

The current economic climate gives us ample opportunity to put into practice our knowledge of the Laws of Attraction. Attraction does not suggest that money begets money. It means that by embodying unconditional love you naturally attract to you everything that contains love. According to the laws of spirit everything contains the matrix of unconditional love.

We tend to be more focused on our negative attributes, so when we have to think of the positive it can sometimes be a challenge. The Law of Attraction magnetizes energy within the heart. In addition, every cell on every level of your being contains unconditional love. The more you love yourself, the greater the energy you have to magnetize your wishes and dreams.

Fear is the biggest blockage to attracting what you most desire. You can understand the laws of attraction, but unless you dissolve the fear then what you will attract will only embody that fear. The following is designed to help you identify and move past your fear.

Read each of the following questions, one at a time closing your eyes in between to meditate on the answer. Alternatively, write the answer (I used this method so I could then focus on why I answered the way I did in order to unblock myself).

1) If what I want were in my life now, what would it change?
2) What do I need to adjust within myself in order for this wish to manifest?
3) What is preventing me from achieving my wish now?
4) What do I need to do to create, manifest and embrace my wish?
5) Is there anything else I need to know?

It is beneficial after receiving the answers to your questions to sit with the information for a day or two. When you do this you allow your inner wisdom to bubble to the surface of your conscious awareness. This is another aspect of the Law of Attraction.

Finally, be aware and in the moment, not in the past or future. If you think that something in the future is going to fulfill you, then by the law of energy your consciousness will keep it right there in the future for you. You must know there are no coincidences. You have attracted to you what your soul desires you to know, that you have the power within.

I, Sara, have paraphrased a lot from the article to make it more concise. The original as I found it is in Spirit Side Magazine, an online newsletter archived on, the web site for Body, Mind & Spirit Expo. The author is Elizabeth Harper, color intuitive, healer, teacher and author and her site is

Use the Magick Medallion to help you attract abundance, no matter what your wishes are. Using a talisman helps you to focus your energy on attracting what you want.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Change Happens

My friend and mentor, Roland Gold, is no longer associated with Gold Magick, either the site or this blog. He has retired due to health problems. I'll be taking over where he left off and I hope I can come up with as interesting stories as he did!

Come to the web site and get your medallion if you haven't already. For a short time the price has been dropped to $7.97 with free shipping.

We all need a little help from time to time. Why not an amulet that can intensify your intentions? Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Site Update

My new web site is finally operating the way it should. Come on by and see the changes. Be sure to check out the Ebooks link! I found some interesting stuff. Hope you think so too.

Lucky Joe

Many years ago, I knew a guy named Joe Grant. At least I think that was his name. Anyway, what I do remember so vividly is that he was the luckiest guy I ever met.

Everything seemed to turn out right for Lucky Joe. We would be walking along and he would find money in the street. He would consistently win at poker and the other gambling games we played at. His date was always the prettiest and he seemed to have his pick of the summer jobs.

One day I asked Joe for his secret. At first he wouldn't tell me but he relented because in his words, I seemed to be such an unlucky jerk. I promised to honor his secret for at least 20 years. That was enough for him so he then showed me his secret.

It was a small medallion, a little bigger than a dollar. All I remember is that it had some writing on it and a picture of the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow on one side. Joe told me that he carried this lucky charm with him at all times, ever since his grandfather gave it to him, and from then on he had been truly lucky.

It has been well over 40 years since Joe showed me his lucky charm. Believe me, I looked high and low for something even remotely resembling this magic luck piece with its picture of the pot of gold. No success. So, I finally decided to create an even more powerful amulet, not only for myself but for other people as well. I know it will work for you, too.